Herbie Newell Joins Allie Beth Stuckley on the podcast Relatable

Today, we’re leaving you with a monster of an episode before we go on hiatus next week. We’re covering several important stories from the news cycle, starting with left-wing attacks on pregnancy centers by pro-abortion activists in response to the likely overturning of Roe v. Wade and how neither the government nor the media seems to care. We’ll also talk about the Anti-Defamation League trying to push the idea that nearly all domestic terror attacks are “right-wing.” Then, we discuss a crazy Twitter interaction with a pro-abortion personality who thinks abortion is an “act of love.” After that, we’re joined by Herbie Newell, president and executive director of Lifeline Children’s Services, who completely dispels the myth that pro-life advocates don’t care about kids after they’re born. And, as always, we try to leave you with a touch of encouragement before we close out.

Play the audio podcast below:

Watch Herbie’s Segment Here: